The Asian Studies Development Program 25th Annual National Conference
Nashville, TN March 8-9, 2019
The 2019 Conference theme “Wellbeing in Asian Traditions of Thought and Practice” is intended to stimulate interdisciplinary conversations about the meanings-of and means-to wellbeing, expanding the field of wellbeing research beyond the disciplines of psychology, sociology and health sciences to include philosophical, political, economic, religious, artistic, literary and historical engagements with wellbeing.
Keynote Speakers: Phillip J. Ivanhoe (Distinguished Chair Professor in the College of Confucian Studies and Eastern Philosophy at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea) and Akiko Takenaka (Associate Professor of History at the University of Kentucky)
Paper and Panel Proposal Deadline: December 17, 2018
For more information, see the conference website.