The International Society for Chinese Philosophy is happy to announce that they will be a member society of The World Congress of Philosophy’s 25th conference which will be held in Rome, Italy, from August 1st to August 8th, 2024. The ISCP will be holding society sessions and welcoming submissions in any area of Chinese Philosophy and cross-cultural philosophy related to Chinese philosophy. Please read below for more information on submissions.
To be considered for the Society Sessions, please submit an abstract (250-500 words) to all three of the following executive team members by August 31, 2023:
Dr. Ann A. Pang-White, Dr. Matthew Foust, Dr. Yuanfang Dai
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: Mid-September 2023
*Please note due to limited slots and the nature of Society Sessions, all selected papers and presenters must be members of ISCP. If your paper is accepted and you are not yet a member, please join ISCP to ensure your eligibility to present at our Society Sessions. To join ISCP, please visit membership page:
*Additionally, all presenters must register at World Congress of Philosophy (WCP) and pay for the WCP registration fee, which is separate from the ISCP membership fee. The early bird rate (200 Euros) expires on October 1, 2023; the standard rate (225 Euros) expires on January 31, 2024. Please visit for more information regarding WCP registration. All participants must pay for their own travel and related expenses.