CFP: Society for the Study of Early China First Annual Conference

The Society for the Study of Early China First Annual Conference

A call for papers for the first annual conference of the Society for the Study of Early China, to be held in conjunction with the 2013 national meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.

The SSEC conference will take place on Thursday, March 21, from 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM, in room “Edward C” of the Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel in San Diego, California. The planning committee is now accepting individual paper proposals.

Prospective speakers should plan for a presentation of 20 minutes, with 10 minutes allocated for discussion. Please submit proposals in PDF or MS Word format to <>. Submissions should include the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, academic rank, contact information, paper title, and a brief abstract of no more than 250 words. Proposals are due by January 15, 2013.

All are welcome to attend our meeting in San Diego. If you are not a current member of the Society for the Study of Early China, we urge you to become one now by ordering Early China 33-34 (see for order forms or to pay online).

Please note that those who participate only in the SSEC conference need not register for the AAS meeting.

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