Confucians React to Planned Christian Church in Qufu

An open letter, signed by several prominent Chinese scholars and endorsed by numerous Confucian organizations, has been released criticizing the plans to build a large Christian church in Qufu, about 3 km from the Qufu Confucian Temple. The letter begins:

We have recently heard that a large, Gothic-style Christian church, more than 40 meters high and capable of holding more than 3000 people, is under construction in the vicinity of Qufu’s Confucian Temple. We Confucian scholars, organizations, and websites are deeply shocked and worried, and call upon all concerned parties to respect this sacred ground of Chinese culture and halt construction of this Christian church….

I paste the entire letter, including the list of signatories (many of whom have been prominently identified with “Confucian teaching” or “Confucian religion” [rujiao 儒教]), below. 




















蒋  庆(儒家民间学者)
韩  星(陕西师范大学儒学-儒教研究所所长、教授)
陈  明(《原道》主编,首都师范大学儒教研究中心主任)








11 thoughts on “Confucians React to Planned Christian Church in Qufu

  1. Oh, My God – I don’t know how much money the local government is going to make out of the land for the church building. But considering the scale and location of the church, it sounds more appropriate to title the Chinadaily article as “Jesus to dominate Confucius as Qufu plans church” instead of “Jesus to join Confucius as Qufu plans church.”

    Well, with some reservations, I do think the Confucians’ appeal make very good sense. Confucianism certainly has an important dimension to co-exist with other religious and spiritual traditions such as Christianity. But the manner of this Christian intrusion did sound worrisome in some ways.

    And for these worrisome prospects, I trust the ones who should be accountable are less the Christians with good intentions than the thoughtlessness and ulterior motives (I have to presume so) of local officials… strange that such a sensitive project has been approved without any public and scholarly debates in China – don’t know if that is the bless of communism or capitalism.

  2. There’s been a lot of discussion of this issue in the Chinese blogosphere! It seems to me that a key issue is contestation within China over whether “Rujiao” is a live religion, and if so, who can speak for it. For example, see this posting on the “Revival of Confucianism (Rujiao Fuxing Lun)” website. It argues for a connection between the new church and the Nishan Forum held near Qufu last September, because the Forum purposely excluded active adherents of Rujiao (like Jiang Qing); instead, says the author, the Forum put mere researchers on Confucianism and New Confucianism (which he equates to “dead Confucianism”) into dialogue with Christian adherents (“live Christianity”).

    In contrast, see this op-ed which argues, among other things, that (1) the authors of the original open letter are calling for a stricter sort of hierarchy among buildings than was practiced in imperial China, and (2) the letter’s authors should learn from the open-minded attitude of Qufu officials and of the Kong family descendant who is a Christian pastor in Qufu.

    The AP also has a story out about the controversey, which is based in significant part on information they’ve obtained from our blog! One good source for information in Chinese is this website; see the 最新发表 section on the right.

  3. I should have added that while the question of in whether Confucianism (rujia OR rujiao) is or can be “live” is an excellent one, I would not accept the simple characterization of the Nishan participants offered in the webposting I cited above, nor would I accept its version of what counts as “live.” At the very least, there are two other versions of live Confucianism that need to be considered: (1) Confucianism as a live and developing philosophy, and (2) Confucianism as a live (and perhaps developing) moral practice. Both of these might or might not be connected to (3) Confucianism as an institutionalized/organized religious activity, depending on how all of these three come to manifest themselves in the contemporary world. Certainly I take some of the theorists most interested in (3) also to have interesting things to say abut (1) and (2).

  4. Okay, hold on. People are getting their knickers in a knot about a church three kilometres away from the Confucian temple? That sounds even more ridiculous than the people upset about a Muslim community centre built several city blocks away from the World Trade Center site. Is there something I’m missing?

    When you build things, they will be relatively close to other things. Get over it, people.

  5. Thanks for the update on the issue Steve and your well directed inputs for the AP report.

    I believe your analysis of the live Confucianism is especially clear and sensible. There are many dimensions of Confucianism indeed and they may well overlap with each other in real practice. Let me add that the author of the post you cite may be unsatisfied because he/she took the government to be “insincere” in its efforts to organize the debate – this might be true though I need more information to affirm it.

    Thanks for your opinion Amod – I guess the thing you may be missing is the grand scale of the church beside Confucian temple. This would be like, in my imagination, to build a Muslim mosque that towering the Christian church in Vatican in close distance.

  6. Actually, I do have a reaction similar to Amod’s. I am neither a Confucian nor a Christian, though I’ve no doubt been influenced in subtle ways by both. But the influence that runs deepest is a a classically liberal attitude toward religions and other sets of beliefs and practices. So long as the Christians aren’t interfering with the activities of the Confucian temple, I don’t have a lot of sympathy with the people who are protesting the church. It’s part of living in a modern world, whether you live in Qufu or New York City, that you will have neighbors who don’t agree with everything you believe. Nor can you count on everyone regarding your, or even their own, cultural heritage as sacred. China may not be a liberal society, but it will probably have to face such issues locally as it gradually opens itself up to economic and political globalism. This might be a good moment for a symbolic “leap forward” to borrow a phrase from China’s recent past. Tolerating pluralism is an important step toward a more open society, and something Confucians should consider as an important part of modernity to integrate into their attitudes.

  7. Huaiyu, will the church be visible from the Confucian temple, and visibly larger from the sight of the temple? At a distance of three kilometres, that strikes me as highly unlikely, but possible. If people standing one metre away from the temple could see a visibly larger church on the horizon, I could see some good reason for being uneasy with it.

  8. It is a little ironic that I seemed to turn myself to defend the Confucians’ position on this issue – for I had exactly the same kind of feelings as Amod and Manyul as I first read the report. My attitude switched, however, as I dug a little deep. Not that I am to speak for the “Confucians” – for first though I regard myself sympathetic with the Confucians on this issue, I do not regard myself a Confucian in the “religious” sense; and second, I don’t at all know this issue well enough to be able to hold any solid argument.

    But maybe I am in a better position to explain the “Confucians’ position, given my fluency in Chinese. First to Amod, the petition reported the church to be around 48 meters tall – I am no architect but suppose that would be around at least the same height of a 40 story building – So, yes it must be “visible” given its size and one of the petitions requirements is exactly to have it built in a place far enough that it won’t be “visible” from the Confucian temple…

    That being said, I guess it may be clear to Manyul that this does not sound like an issue of cultural pluralism, at least to me, but how to protect a country’s cultural heritage from dominant foreign invasions…

    Well – an answer to be best of my knowledge, though my knowledge is not much 🙂

  9. I appreciate the thoughtful response, Huaiyu. And I certainly won’t hold you responsible for Confucian apologetic. However, I think the fear that the Christian church in question represents an invasion of a dominant foreign power is a hollow fear. China’s cultural heritage is nowhere close to being so fragile that it suffers a blow from the mere proximity of a Christian church to the Qufu temple. That strikes me as quite fanciful in the same way as it would to think that the Catholic tradition could suffer a serious blow from the Vatican having to share skyline with a mosque. More convincing would be a scenario in which a very vulnerable culture — a native American one, for example — was to have a shopping mall erected on top of one of its sacred burial grounds. I think as analogies go, that isn’t a very good one for the situation in Qufu.

    “Foreign invasions” also brings up a rather bad memory of China’s past when Buddhism was excoriated, with hyperbolic language, by the movement that brought us Neoconfucianism. Christianity, like Buddhism, can seem foreign from some perspectives and just a part of the culture from others’ — for example, from the perspective of Chinese Christians.

  10. Thanks for your insightful remarks, Manyul.

    I know what you mean when you described the Chinese culture as “not fragile.” But from another perspective, it could also be regarded as one of the most endangered tradition (esp. the Confucian tradition). One should not forget that the grand-scale cultural and spiritual vandalism throughout the 20th century (much of it orchestrated by the Communist government itself)for which the Confucian tradition was the biggest victim.

    Your reference to the Buddhist history in China was interesting. I think ideological conflicts were often in human history and we might not take too much offense when certain neo-Confucians criticized some aspects of the Buddhist teachings – as long as they were not malicious. I do notice the large scale destruction of Buddhist temples in some part of Chinese history – they were not led by the Confucians though, but a sad outcome of religious conflicts with Daoism.

    Apparently, conflicts could be inevitable between various spiritual traditions and I believe what is crucial is the “Proper management” of concrete issues and proper respect for each tradition. For the current issue, I don’t think the core of the matter has to do with a debate between the “Confucians” and the “Christian” than the proper management of the matter by the local government, whose performance seems to leave much to be desired.

  11. Please feel free to continue to post comments here, but let me also note that some related discussion has started to take place on the “Confucian Fundamentalism” thread….

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