Daoist Conference 2019

Dao and Time

Personal Cultivation and Spiritual Transformation
13th International Conference on Daoist Studies
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

20-23 June, 2019

Time is a major factor, if not the major factor, of human life. It is key to everything we do, in
one way or another ruling our lives, determining our choices, and setting our goals. From a
broader perspective, it appears in at least ten distinct dimensions, including most importantly
cosmic time as apparent in the evolution of the universe since the Big Bang and described in
astrophysics; biological time manifest in the evolution of humanity and the transformations
living beings undergo in the course of life; and human time, obvious in life cycles (from womb
to tomb). IT is relevant for education, professional development, medicine, and spiritual

Measured by the movement of the stars and planets as well as various mechanical
devices such as water and pendulum clocks and, more recently, quartz and atomic time
keepers, time also plays a key role in history, described either in cycles of recurring patterns
such as dynasties or in a linear mode, focusing on progress and an ultimate goal of human
development. It is a key factor in philosophy with its discussions of ultimate truth and the
relationship of space and existence to time, such as, for example, Heidegger’s major work
Being and Time, and plays a key role in psychology, not only but strongly in terms of Jungian
synchronicity. In addition, spiritual seekers discuss time in terms of eternity versus infinity and
set course for the attainment of immortality; meditation practitioners learn to slow time down or
ecstatically travel into faster, otherworldly realms; while diviners and fortune-tellers calculate a
person’s fate and determine his best course of actions on the basis of various indicators that
suggest the most auspicious constellations of temporal circumstances.

This year’s conference, in close proximity to the 17th Triannial Conference of the
International Society for the Study of Time (at Loyola Marymount University, June 23-29, 2019;
see www.studyoftime.org), will focus on Daoist conceptions and applications of time in all
different dimensions, but with a particular focus on personal cultivation and spiritual

Keynote speakers:

Paul Harris, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Lisa Raphals, University of California, Riverside
Herve Louchouarn, Instituto Daoista para la Salud, Guernavaca, Mexico



General: send information (name, email, institution) to <daoconf@gmail.com>
In China: send information (name, email, institution) to WeChat, ID: ssysmall12′



Chairs: Robin Wang, Loyola Marymount University; Livia Kohn, Boston University
Sponsors: LMU Department of Philosophy, Daesoon Academy of Sciences, Three Pines


Standing Committee:
USA: Liu Xun, Robin R. Wang; China: Chen Xia, Liou Tong-Miin; France: Adeline Herrou,
Georges Favraud, Karine Martin; Germany: Friederike Assandri, Elisabeth Friedrich



After arrival in Los Angeles, the conference begins on Thursday, June 20, at 5 pm with
registration and “Meet and Greet,” followed at 6 pm by a brief opening ceremony and keynote
speeches. It ends at 1:30 pm on Sunday, June 23, after a closing plenary session. There are
ten 13⁄4-hour sessions plus a banquet on Friday evening. Languages are English and Chinese.
The triannial conference of the International Society for the Study of Time commences at 4 pm
that same day.

–-Panels: Three 25-minute or four 20-minute individual paper presentations on the
panel theme, followed by the discussant’s 5-minute comments and 20 minutes of open
discussion (13⁄4 hours). In all cases, an effort will be made to join Chinese and Western
representatives. PPTs should be bilingual. Some translation will be provided.

–-Workshops: Emphasis on the experience of Daoist cultivation, martial arts (taiji
quan), and forms of Daoist medicine (13⁄4 hours). The room will not have tables, chairs,
or PPT equipment. It is specifically for practical experience.
FEE: $85, payable via PayPal to <daoconf@gmail.com>


Registration closes, abstracts due: February 1, 2018
Program on website: April1, 2018
NOTE: Presentation slots are few, and papers will be reviewed and selected. Those
focusing on time-related issues will be given preference. You will receive notification no
later than the end of February. Acceptance comes with a formal invitation letter for
funding and visa applications.



A limited number of work-study scholarships are available to scholars within 3 years of
completing the Ph.D. (before or after). They cover approximately half of housing and airfare in
addition to a waiver of conference fees and require attendance of the entire conference as
well as a few hours of work to help with registration and other organizational tasks.
Send your application to <daoconf@gmail.com>. Include name, institution, academic
supervisor, title of dissertation, date of completion, as well as paper title and abstract,
preferably on a topic related to time. Funds run out, so apply early. The final, last, and ultimate
deadline is February 1, 2019.



There will be a limited number of tables available to distribute flyers or pamphlets and sell
books, CDs, and other materials. This service is $20 per table, payable via PayPal at the time
of registration. Contact <daoconf@gmail.com>.



Some on-campus housing in double-occupancy rooms is available. Price is about $100 per
night per room. Reservation closes October 31, 2018. Contact <daoconf@gmail.com>.
The closest hotels are La Vista Motel (310-670-0224) and Custom Hotel (310-645-0400).
In addition, there is AirBnB. Check availability online.

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