Garfield, Cook join Yale-NUS Faculty

When Yale-NUS College in Singapore opens its doors this fall, it will have one of the strongest comparative philosophy faculties and curriculums in the world, despite its tiny size (initial class of 150, growing to a four-class total of 1000 students). Its common curriculum features a year-long course in Philosophy and Political Theory that has been designed from the ground up to introduce students to multiple philosophical traditions, and it has recently been announced that in addition to the outstanding young philosophers they have already hired (some of whom have substantial comparative interests), Jay Garfield and Scott Cook have signed on as well. Exciting times!

2 replies on “Garfield, Cook join Yale-NUS Faculty”

  1. Worth noting that Garfield and Cook have named professorships (see press release snippet from website below). I assume this means they are permanent-position hires; is that right, Steve?


    Inaugural Tan Chin Tuan Professor of Chinese Studies and Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Professor of Humanities

    In recognition of their teaching and research excellence, Professor Scott Cook and Professor Jay Garfield have also been named the inaugural holders of two named professorships, the result of gifts from the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation and Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple.

    As the inaugural Tan Chin Tuan Professor of Chinese Studies, and the inaugural Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Professor of Humanities respectively, Professor Cook and Professor Garfield will contribute to the College’s continued and expanding efforts to strengthen its standing internationally.

    Professor Cook notes that Yale-NUS presents direct and practical learning opportunities for students that are unparalleled in the world, and at the same time, combines the rich and diverse historical experience of two of the world’s leading academic institutions. He adds, “Young as the College itself is, I believe that Yale-NUS is poised to quickly become a global leader in higher education for the next century, and I am excited to play a role in helping to further shape and refine its one-of-a-kind curriculum.”

    Professor Garfield is looking forward to new interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, trans-national collaborations at the College. He says, “I am also looking forward to working with motivated, creative and talented students and colleagues, and to working in a community committed to building something entirely new, an Asian liberal arts college with a truly global curriculum.”

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