Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture Vol.29 / February 2018
The full PDF of the issue can be accessed here; the Table of Contents follows.
Kim, Doil. “Four Types of Moral Extension in Mencius,” 1-19.
Ames, Roger T. “Making a Text One’s Own: Reflections on Reading Chinese Philosophy Properly,” 21-39.
Yoo, Weon-Ki. “Yi I’s Understanding of Human Beings as Viewed from Ibn Sina’s Perspective,” 41-62.
Lee, Hae-Im. “The Characteristics of the Earlier Philosophy of Han Won-jin: Major Issues in Yulgok byeoljip bucheom,” 63-90.
Han, Zhenhua. “How to Interpret Mencius’ Concept of “Xing” 性?: The Debate in Western Sinology and Its Current Significance,” 91-112.
盛夏, <聖人聞而知之何以可能?>, 113-132.
鄧慶平, <中韓朱子學發展模式的比較>, 133-149.
韓成求, <嚴復的科學思想與會通觀>, 151-170.
文碧方‧李想, <從“回到康有爲”到“回到牟宗三”——“大陸新儒家”政治儒學之反思>, 171-184.
田炳述, <存在心理學與儒家>, 185-201.