Bin Song’s annotated translation of Gao Panlong (1562-1626 C.E)’s writings on Ruist (Confucian) meditative practice of quiet-sitting has been published. The book can be purchased at Read on for the book’s description and reviews:
Ru Meditation: Gao Panlong (1562-1626 C.E) is an annotated translation of the major works of Gao Panlong on Ruist (Confucian) quiet-sitting. Its major themes include poetic descriptions of the meditative experience, practical guidelines, philosophical reflections, and biographical accounts. The translation not only aims to facilitate an understanding of Gao Panlong’s thoughts on quiet-sitting but, more importantly, it also hopes to serve as a practical guide for meditation in the Ruist manner.
“Bin Song’s accessible, thought-provoking translation and commentary brings these writings on Ruist (or Neo-Confucian) meditation alive for the modern reader. Students of Chinese culture and philosophy, as well as aspiring practitioners of East Asia’s great tradition of Ruism, now readily can enjoy and learn from Gao Panlong.”
-Stephen C. Angle,
Professor of Philosophy and East Asian Studies,
Wesleyan University
“Bin Song’s translation and commentary on Gao Panlong’s work on Ruist quiet-sitting is a critical first step in elucidating Ruism as a living spiritual tradition to English-language readers. Moving beyond academic scholarship on Ruist thought, Song’s translation and commentary places Gao’s seminal work on Ruist quiet-sitting in the larger context of meditation and spiritual practice. Contemporary readers will find it a helpful guide to understanding what Ruist quiet-sitting shares with other traditions of contemplative practice, and what sets it apart.”
-Matthew Duperon,
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies,
Susquehanna University
“Bin Song’s accessible, thought-provoking translation and commentary brings these writings on Ruist (or Neo-Confucian) meditation alive for the modern reader. Students of Chinese culture and philosophy, as well as aspiring practitioners of East Asia’s great tradition of Ruism, now readily can enjoy and learn from Gao Panlong.”
-Stephen C. Angle,
Professor of Philosophy and East Asian Studies,
Wesleyan University
“Bin Song’s translation and commentary on Gao Panlong’s work on Ruist quiet-sitting is a critical first step in elucidating Ruism as a living spiritual tradition to English-language readers. Moving beyond academic scholarship on Ruist thought, Song’s translation and commentary places Gao’s seminal work on Ruist quiet-sitting in the larger context of meditation and spiritual practice. Contemporary readers will find it a helpful guide to understanding what Ruist quiet-sitting shares with other traditions of contemplative practice, and what sets it apart.”
-Matthew Duperon,
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies,
Susquehanna University