New Book: Yong Huang, Confucius

It has just come to my attention that Yong HUANG’s book Confucius: A Guide for the Perplexed (Bloomsbury 2013) has recently been published [publisher’s site] [Amazon link]. I have only had a chance to take a quick look at it, but it looks to be philosophically sophisticated and yet engaging and accessible. Rather than a systematic overview of Confucius’s teachings, Huang tackles a series of questions that arise “in our everyday life or moral reflection,” and argues that Confucius’s answers are the best — or at least, better than available alternative answers in the Western tradition. Enjoy!

2 replies on “New Book: Yong Huang, Confucius”

  1. Thanks, Steve, for posting this note. Thanks also to Hagop.

    As the Amazon site does not have the TOC, and the publisher site only has a brief TOC, anyone interested may visit the Google Book site, where there is not only detailed TOC but also a significant portion of the content of the book:

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