We’d like to pilot a new discussion forum page (you can access it through the Discussion tab on the tab menu). Post your own items or questions there for discussion. Go over and reply to my discussion post topic if you have thoughts about it. If it seems easy and convenient as a way of replacing the current Question Board then we’ll gradually phase out the latter. Your feedback will help us. Cheers.
great idea, I appreciate the website very much, thanks so much for providing this wonderful forum for us!
thank you for including me.
This is such a great idea, thanks, Manyul!
I’m looking forward to seeing if it gets use! I have, by the way, added a widget for listing Recent Discussions, on the far right hand column menu; once there are discussion replies, a list similar to the Recent Comments list will begin populating just below Recent Discussions. At least, that is what I expect from the settings I’ve put into place.
I think this is a terrific idea. Bravo!
Note that if the top one or two traditional posts are announcements of events, the home page will now tend to give the impression that all philosophical conversations on the blog fall under “Discussions.”
And the information that anyone can start a Discussion is available only by inference from what you see if you scroll down through the list of discussions past the oldest – which is something people may tend not to do.
Separately: maybe when the Question Board is phased out, each conversation in it can be thrown into the Discussions section as one long Original Discus? I’ll be happy to do that when the time comes.
Did some adjusting. How’s that?
And, yes, if/when we phase out the QB, I’d be happy to let you cut and paste those conversations before it’s closed down.
Much better!
It doesn’t address my first worry – but maybe that’s not an important problem.
Oh, wait: I’ll bet that heading didn’t used to say Recent Comments on Blog Posts. Got it! Good.
Unlike the Blog Posts and the comments thereunder, no part of the Discussion strings is currently visible to Google. Do we have a choice about that?
Well, the topic title is visible (search “analects 2.13 bill haines”) so I assume the rest of it is or will be as well. You might have to give it a few days. I’m pretty sure the forum pages are not different in back-end script from any other of the blog pages. We shall see.
Are old discussions preserved in any way on the blog?
There is the cut and paste here, from last year’s transition to the new forum format: http://warpweftandway.com/forums/topic/discussion-pasted-from-question-board/. Apart from that, we have not archived any prior discussion board material. I believe we still have some discussions from the further past archived, however, in the Question Board section of manyulim.wordpress.com
Sorry, I meant Discussion Forum material.
I noticed that some discussions are now not recent enough to appear on the homepage list of “Readers’ Recent Discussion Topics,” and I wonder if non-Recent threads in the new forum are accessible in any way.
Woops! Thanks.
Thanks Scott. (The link Scott provided is the tabbed “Discussions” link on the tab menu at the very top of the blog page.)