Vol. 46, no. 2 (November 2018) of the Journal of Chinese Religions is now online at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/yjch20/current?nav=tocList. Read on for the Table of Contents, which includes reviews of Michael Ing’s The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought and Geoffrey Redmond’s translation of The I Ching, among others.
Journal of Chinese Religions 46, no. 2 (November 2018)
The Great God of the Five Paths (Wudao dashen 五道大神) in Early Medieval China
Frederick Shih-Chung Chen
Buddhist Historiography: A Tale of Deception in a Seminal Late Ming Buddhist Letter
Jennifer Eichman
The Pig and the Prostitute: The Cult of Zhu Bajie in Modern Taiwan
Benjamin Brose
Hsun Chang & Benjamin Penny, eds., Religion in Taiwan and China: Locality and Transmission (Paul R. Katz)
Alexei Kamran Ditter, Jessey Choo, and Sarah M. Allen, eds., Tales from Tang Dynasty China: Selections from the Taiping guangji (Rebecca Doran)
Vincent Goossaert, Bureaucratie et salut: Devenir un dieu en Chine (Pan Junliang)
Michael D. K. Ing, The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought (Vincent S. Leung)
Ian Johnson, The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao (Yanfei Sun)
Michael Lackner, ed., Coping with the Future: Theories and Practices of Divination in East Asia (Beverley Foulks McGuire)
James Miller, China’s Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future (Dan Smyer Yü)
Kristian Petersen, Interpreting Islam in China: Pilgrimage, Scripture, and Language in Han Kitab (Guangtian Ha)
Geoffrey Redmond, The I Ching (Book of Changes): A Critical Translation of the Ancient Text (David J. Lebovitz)
Barend J. ter Haar, Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of a Failed Hero (Noga Ganany)