From Prof. Jun-Hyeok KWAK (郭峻赫) of Sun Yat-sen University:
We are pleased to announce the 19th Comparative Philosophy Workshop which will be held virtually at 16:00 PM to 18:00 PM (Beijing Time), 30th September (Thursday), 2021.
Due to the pandemic across the world, we will have a virtual (on-line) meeting. Should you wish to join the meeting, please email to the workshop coordinator to get the meeting password. We are going to use Tencent Voov Meeting, and any video recording of this meeting is prohibited.
CHU Zhibo:
Voov Meeting:
At the 19th Political Philosophy Workshop, Leigh JENCO (LSE) will give a talk, “Neo-Confucianism Beyond Moral Philosophy: Chen Di’s Historical Phonology”
Comparative Philosophy Workshop (XIX)
Topic: “Neo-Confucianism Beyond Moral Philosophy: Chen Di’s Historical Phonology”
Speaker: Leigh JENCO (Professor of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science)
Moderator: Jun-Hyeok KWAK (Professor of Philosophy (Zhuhai), Sun Yat-sen University)
Time: 30th September, 16:00 pm – 18:00 pm (Beijing Time)
Virtual Meeting through VooV
Leigh JENCO is professor of political theory at the department of government, LSE. She received her PhD from the University of Chicago, and before joining the faculty of LSE, she taught at the National University of Singapore. She has held visiting positions at Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University, and the University of Heidelberg. And she has served as associate editor of the flagship journal American Political Science Review and principal investigator for the Humanities in the European Research Area grant project “East Asian Uses of the European Past,” funded by the European Commission. She is working on two book projects concurrently, both of which draw from political theory, the global intellectual history of early modernity, and Asian studies. The first project explores the relationship between late Ming neo-Confucian ideas, particularly of the Taizhou school of Yangming learning, to the articulation of otherness and equality in thinkers such as Jiao Hong and Chen Di. The second project examines how Chinese and Dutch writers grounded distinctive justifications for colonial rule on the island of Taiwan in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Her works include Chinese Thopught as Global Theory (SUNY, 2016), Changing Referents: Learning Across Space and Time in China and the West (Oxford 2015), Making the Political: Founding and Action in the Political Theory of Zhang Shizhao (Cambridge, 2010).