Panels at the 2013 AAR Meeting

There will be a number of panels focusing on Chinese and comparative philosophy at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in Baltimore, MD, beginning this weekend, Saturday, November 23rd, and running through Tuesday, November 26th.  For more information on specifics, see the AAR meeting website:

The following are panels that I thought might be of interest to readers of this blog (these are just the ones I know of- if any of you know of others that may be of interest, feel free to add them in the comments line):


Religions in Chinese and Indian Cultures: A Comparative Perspective Group

Theme: Representations of Emotions in Chinese and Indian Religions

Tao Jiang, Rutgers University, Presiding

Saturday – 9:00 AM-11:30 AM

Hilton Baltimore-Peale B

Maria Heim, Amherst College

The Embodiment of Emotion in Mencius and Buddhaghosa

Alexus McLeod, University of Dayton

The Role of Anxiety in the Zhuangzi and the Upanishads

Tyson Yost, Cornell University

Deceptive Appearances: Indian Aesthetics of Humor in a Chinese Avadana Narrative

Sthaneshwar Timalsina, San Diego State University

Relishing the Self: Comparative Perspectives on Rasa and Emotions


Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Lancaster University



Buddhism Section and Confucian Traditions Group

Theme: Collaborative Arenas: The Seventeenth-Century Intersection of Buddhist-Confucian Philosophizing, Politicizing, and Publishing

Thomas A. Wilson, Hamilton College, Presiding

Saturday – 1:00 PM-3:30 PM

Convention Center-318

Beverley Foulks McGuire, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Re-envisioning Ritual: Ouyi Zhixu’s Commentary on the Four Books

Jennifer Eichman, Cornell College

A Very Selective Synthesis: Zhou Rudeng’s Handbook on Mind Cultivation

Hsueh-Yi Lin, University of Wisconsin

Ambivalent Conversion: Crossovers between Early Qing Literati and Buddhist Communities in Qian Qianyi’s Buddhist Projects

Marcus Bingenheimer, Temple University

“We Confucians” – Affirmation and Accommodation of Buddhist and Confucian Identities as Found in Buddhist Temple Gazetteers


Pauline Lee, Saint Louis University



Chinese Religions Group and Daoist Studies Group

Theme: Submerged Readings of the Zhuangzi 莊子 – An Exercise in Rescuing and Retrieving Voices Mostly Disregarded in the Contemporary Academic Discourse

Dominic Steavu-Balint, Stanford University, Presiding

Saturday – 1:00 PM-3:30 PM

Convention Center-350

Scott Cook, Grinnell College

The Lüshi Chunqiu 呂氏春秋 as Commentary on the Zhuangzi 莊子

Tobias Zuern, University of Wisconsin

“Hidden Receptions in the Han Dynasty – The Huainanzi’s 淮南子 Reading of Master Zhuang 莊子 in the Chapters “Originating [in] the Way” (“Yuan dao” 原道) and “Activating the Genuine” (“Chu zhen” 俶真)”

Mark Csikszentmihalyi, University of California, Berkeley

“Streaming the Zhuangzi 莊子 into a “Single Way” in the Late Song Dynasty”

Aaron Reich, University of Wisconsin

“Forgetting the Brush: The Zhuangzi 莊子 and Daoist Notions of Creativity in Song Literati Painting Theory”


Dennis Schilling, University of Munich and Chengchi University

Business Meeting:

David Mozina, Boston College

Elena Valussi, Loyola University, Chicago



Confucian Traditions Group

Theme: The Neo-Confucian Problem of Evil

Robert C. Neville, Boston University, Presiding

Saturday – 4:00 PM-6:30 PM

Convention Center-318

Yong Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Moral Luck and Moral Responsibility: The Cheng Brothers on the Problem of Evil

Simon Man Ho Wong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Evil Nature and the Radical Evil—An Example of the Development of Confucianism in Modern Times

Xiaomei Yang, Southern Connecticut State University

Wang Yangming on Evil

On-cho Ng, Penn State University

Evil, Perfection and Perfectibility: E (Evil) in Li Guangdi’s Shan (goodness)-based Philosophical Anthropology


Deborah A. Sommer, Gettysburg College

Business Meeting:

Thomas A. Wilson, Hamilton College

Yong Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong



Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

Theme: Knowledge and Action Immanent and Transcendent

Victor J. Forte, Albright College, Presiding

Sunday – 11:30 AM-1:00 PM

Marriott Inner Harbor-Grand Ballroom B

Sumner B. Twiss, Florida State University

Jonathan Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University

Wang Yangming on the Ethics of War



Confucian Traditions Group

Theme: Is What You Do Who You Are? Roles and Agency in Confucian Society

Catherine Hudak Klancer, Boston University, Presiding

Sunday – 1:00 PM-2:30 PM

Hilton Baltimore-Pickersgill

Catherine Klancer, Boston University

Daughters, Wives, Mothers – And Lawyers? Confucianism, Women’s Roles, and Empowerment

Cheryl Cottine, Indiana University

When Roles Conflict: A Confucian Response

Keith Knapp, The Citadel

Fathers, The Neglected Parent in Early Medieval China

Brian Loh, Boston University

Confucian Ritual and Role as Agency


Thomas A. Wilson, Hamilton College



Childhood Studies and Religion Group

Theme: Projections, Prodigies, and Precocity: The Fashioning of Young Exemplars in Religious Traditions

Vanessa R. Sasson, Marianopolis College, Presiding

Monday – 4:00 PM-6:00 PM

Hilton Baltimore-Latrobe


Benjamin Bogin, Georgetown University

Erin Cline, Georgetown University

Wendy Love Anderson, Washington University, Saint Louis

Maureen Walsh, Georgetown University


Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Theme: Knowledge and Action Immanent and Transcendent
Sunday, 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
MIH-Grand Ballroom B
Victor J. Forte, Albright College, Presiding

Asher Walden, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Knowledge as Illumination: Reflections on Yogacara Epistemology

David Chai, University of Toronto
The Curious Case of the Roadside Skull: Zhuangzi’s Existential Conundrum

Sumner B. Twiss, Florida State University and Jonathan Chan,
Hong Kong Baptist University
Wang Yangming on the Ethics of War


Daoist Studies Group
Theme: Explorations in Daoist Literature
Tuesday, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM
HB-Holiday 1
David Mozina, Boston College, Presiding

Cuma Ozkan, University of Iowa
Buddhist Madhyamaka and Daoist Chongxuan (Twofold Mystery) in the Early Tang (618–720)

David Chai, University of Toronto
Mending the Inborn Nature: Reading the Zhuangzi in the Song

C. Lynne Hong, Chinese Culture University
Clearing as Connection: An Alternative Approach to Dao in Zhuangzi Waiwu

Clarke Hudson, University of Virginia

2 replies on “Panels at the 2013 AAR Meeting”

  1. Alexus, you might also want to consider these two panels:

    Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Theme: Knowledge and Action Immanent and Transcendent
    Sunday, 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
    MIH-Grand Ballroom B
    Victor J. Forte, Albright College, Presiding

    Asher Walden, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
    Knowledge as Illumination: Reflections on Yogacara Epistemology

    David Chai, University of Toronto
    The Curious Case of the Roadside Skull: Zhuangzi’s Existential Conundrum

    Sumner B. Twiss, Florida State University and Jonathan Chan,
    Hong Kong Baptist University
    Wang Yangming on the Ethics of War

    Daoist Studies Group
    Theme: Explorations in Daoist Literature
    Tuesday, 8:30 AM–10:00 AM
    HB-Holiday 1
    David Mozina, Boston College, Presiding

    Cuma Ozkan, University of Iowa
    Buddhist Madhyamaka and Daoist Chongxuan (Twofold Mystery) in the Early Tang (618–720)

    David Chai, University of Toronto
    Mending the Inborn Nature: Reading the Zhuangzi in the Song

    C. Lynne Hong, Chinese Culture University
    Clearing as Connection: An Alternative Approach to Dao in Zhuangzi Waiwu

    Clarke Hudson, University of Virginia

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