I’d like to remind everyone about the exciting opportunity afforded by the planned third Rutgers Workshop in Chinese Philosophy, still a long way away (Spring, 2016) but in need of your proposal now! The deadline is Sept. 30, 2014. See below to be reminded of the details.
The Third Rutgers Workshop in Chinese Philosophy is now calling for
proposals for papers in Chinese philosophy that directly engage with the
works of living Western philosophers. All topics are welcome. Our aim at
this Workshop is to bring together scholars in Chinese philosophy with
philosophers in the Western analytic tradition on a philosophical topic of
mutual interest. Ideally, submitted proposals will directly discuss the
work of a living philosopher whom we will invite to be paired with the
paper presenter as commentator and discussant.
The workshop will be held in the Rutgers Philosophy Department conference
room on Saturday, April 16, 2016 (please note the year). Please submit a
one page abstract describing your paper and listing 1-3 philosophers whom
you would like to have as your commentator/respondent. For the selected
participants, all expenses, including travel and lodging, will be covered
by the workshop. Please submit your proposal to proposals4rwcp@gmail.com
by September 30, 2014.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the
Tao Jiang (tjiang@rci.rutgers.edu)
Ruth Chang (ruthechang@gmail.com)
Steve Angle (sangle@wesleyan.edu)
Please feel free to distribute it to any interested scholars or listserv.
Thank you very much for supporting the workshop.
Best wishes,
Tao, Ruth and Steve