Would you like to write a review on the blog of Ted Slingerland’s forthcoming book, Trying Not To Try? If so, please contact me via email. The publisher would be happy to send a free copy of the book to a reviewer for this blog.
Would you like to write a review on the blog of Ted Slingerland’s forthcoming book, Trying Not To Try? If so, please contact me via email. The publisher would be happy to send a free copy of the book to a reviewer for this blog.
Dead or Alive …
Count me in! Please.
Bill, Michael, and others–If you’d like to do this, please contact me directly via email. If I don’t already know you, please include a CV or something else about your background. It’s basically first come, first served, and I’m afraid only one book and review are on offer.
I already have an advanced copy. If I finish writing at or around publication date, would you care to publish my review here?
It looks like you’re covered, and I’m not an academic anyway, but I’ll be reviewing this book for my blog Taoish.