I have recently begun a term on the Advisory Board of the John Templeton Foundation (JTF). I know that there has been considerable discussion of effects of JTF’s funding on the field over the years, but based just on my own limited interaction with current JTF leadership, staff, and other advisors, I find the Foundation’s current approach to supporting work in philosophy to be open and commendable. In fact, JTF’s core commitment to challenging mainstream views within our discipline is increasingly leading the Foundation to recognize the role that non-Western philosophy can play in furthering its objectives.
To that end, I want to call attention to the current possibility of applying to JTF for funding:
As part of its fall open submission cycle, the John Templeton Foundation welcomes online funding inquiries in the areas of philosophy and theology. The submission window is August 1 to October 1, 2014. Proposed philosophical projects need not have religion or theology as a focus. To submit an online funding inquiry, please visithttp://www.templeton.org/what-we-fund/our-grantmaking-process.
Please note that the Templeton Foundation does not normally provide dissertation fellowships through this open submission process. For more information on the kinds of projects that the Foundation can support, visit http://www.templeton.org/what-we-fund/core-funding-areas/science-and-the-big-questions.