Taylor and Francis Online are happy to announce that they have published a new issue of Asian Philosophy, 34:2. Please read below for a table of contents.
Intention, ethics, and convention in Daoism: Guo Xiang on ziran (self-so) and wuwei (non-action)
Paul j. D’Ambrosio
The evolution of Xuantong in early Daoist philosophy
Fan He
Names exist when carving begins (shi zhi you ming 始制有名): A theory of names in Daodejing (道德經)
Hao Hong
The internal and external dimensions of Liu Zongzhou’s self-cultivation theory
Xin Guan
A metaphysical interpretation of ‘Heaven’ and the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ as practice: Takada Shinji’s argument about the ‘Mandate of Heaven’
Park Junhyun
Antimessianism and the temporal ontology of Ibn ‘Arabī
Ismail Lala