TOC: FPC New Issue

The latest issue of Frontiers of Philosophy in China has appeared, including a special section on “Confucian Philosophy and Technology.” Articles can be freely downloaded through May 10th. Read on!

Current Issue: Vol.15, No.1, 2020

Available at:


Introduction on the Special Theme “Confucian Philosophy and Technology”

Carl Mitcham

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 1-6.

Abstract     PDF (170KB)


Toward a Confucian Notion of Human Dignity

WANG Xiaowei

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 7-28.

Abstract     PDF (306KB)


How Is the Kantian or Confucian Metaphysics Applicable to Human Dignity—Response to Wang Xiaowei

NI Peimin

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 29-35.

Abstract     PDF (242KB)



Confucian Moral Imagination and Ethics Education in Engineering


Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 36-52.

Abstract     PDF (214KB)


Joining the Transformation of Nature—The Post-Natural and Confucian Perspective on Earth Stewardship in the Anthropocene


Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 53-72.

Abstract     PDF (362KB)


From Assessment to Design: What Is Really Needed in Technology Accompaniment to Achieve Subject Constitution?

JIA Lumeng, HUNG Ching

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 73-92.

Abstract     PDF (247KB)




A Neo-Confucian Criticism of Daoism: Wang Fuzhi’s Contradictory Remarks on the Laozi

TAN Mingran

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 93-121.

Abstract     PDF (379KB)


Castañeda’s Moral Theory and Globalization

Francesco Orilia

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 122-142.

Abstract     PDF (229KB)



Wittgenstein’s Peculiar Use of “Internal Relation” in Aspect-Seeing

ZHANG Ligeng

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 143-159.

Abstract     PDF (274KB)





Rabaté, Jean-Michel. The Pathos of Distance: Affects of the Moderns (reviewed by YU Yang)

YU Yang

Front. Philos. China. 2020, 15 (1): 160-166.

Abstract     PDF (179KB)

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