【Current Issue: Vol.14, No.1, 2019】
Available at: http://journal.hep.com.cn/fpc
Special Theme: Comparing Virtues, Roles, and Duties in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity
The essays are free to download from 30th April to 20th May!
Dennis Schilling
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0001-1
Role as Norm, Role and Norm: Homer’s Hero, Hesiod’s Just City, and Plato’s Kallipolis
Michael Erler
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 14-28. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0002-3
When Virtues, Roles and Duties Fail: Early Greek and Chinese Accounts of Akrasia
Lisa Raphals 瑞麗
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 29-46. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0003-0
Michael Nylan, Allyson Tang, Zhijian Wang
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 47-74. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0004-7
Honour and Kingship in Herodotus: Status, Role, and the Limits of Self-Assertion
Douglas Cairns
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 75-93. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0005-4
Drunkenness as a Communal Practice: Platonic and Peripatetic Perspectives
Jan Szaif
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 94-110. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0006-1
Socrates’ Humaneness: What His Last Words Meant
Yasuhira Yahei Kanayama
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 111-131. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0007-8
Emotional Attachment and Its Limits: Mengzi, Gaozi and the Guodian Discussions
Karyn Lai
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 132-151. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0008-5
“Athl-Ethics”: Virtue Training in Mencius and Aristotle
Rina Marie Camus
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 152-170. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0009-2
Book Review
Mathew A. Foust and Sor-hoon Tan, eds., Feminist Encounters with Confucius (reviewed by ZHANG Lili)
Front. Philos. China. 2019, 14 (1): 171-175. https://doi.org/10.3868/s030-008-019-0010-6