Taylor and Francis Online has recently published Monumenta Serica 71:1. This new issue has 20 different pieces ranging from Articles, to an Obituary and Book Reviews. Please read below for a table of contents.
Seeking Truth beyond Facts: Debates on Facts and History in the Kongcongzi
Thomas Crone
Literary Debts in Tang China: On the Exchange of Money, Merit, and Meter
Thomas J. Mazanec
On the Jingjiao Text Zhixuan anle jing: Its Date and Use of Imagery
Bai Yu
The Functional and Managerial Network of the Imperial Parks (Yuyuan) in the Southern Song Capital Lin’an (Hangzhou)
Silvia Freiin Ebner Von Eschenbach
Die zwei chinesischen Goethe-Besucher und die ausgestellten Chinesen im Deutschland des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts
Jiang Xueqi 江雪奇
The Dictionarium Latino Nankinense and Nanjing Guanhua: Late Qing Mandarin, Lexicographical Questions, and Cross-cultural Translations
Gabriele Tola
Between End and Means: Tensions in Timothy Richard’s China Career
Luke S.K. Kwong 鄺兆江
Patriotism, Science, and the Development of Xu Qian’s “Theology of Liberation in China”
Wang Jue 王珏
Giovanni Stary (1946-2022) in memoriam
Hartmut Walravens
Michael Lackner (ed.), Coping with the Future: Theories and Practices of Divination in East Asia
Tiziana Lippiello
Thomas Zimmer, Der Fremde in der Mitte: Ein Ideen- und kulturgeschichtlicher Abriss der Raumvorstellung Chinas in der späten Kaiserzeit
D.E. Mungello
Richard VanNess Simmons (ed. and trans.), The Sōushén hòujì: Latter Notes on Collected Spirit Phenomena Attributed to Táo Yuānmíng (365–427)
Sheng Yang 盛洋
Chiara Bocci, On Feathers and Furs: The Animal Section in Duan Chengshi’s 段成式 Youyang Zazu 酉陽雜俎 (ca. 853). An Annotated Translation
Paolo De Troia
Matteo Nicolini-Zani, The Luminous Way to the East: Texts and History of the First Encounter of Christianity with China
Mark Dickens
Jin Guoping 金国平, “Zhongguo dafanchuan” yu “Siyin zhi lu” – “Parián” yanjiu “中国大帆船”与“丝银之路”——“Parián”研究
Roderich Ptak
Noel Golvers, Johann Schreck Terrentius, SJ: His European Network and the Origins of the Jesuit Library in Peking
Michela Cigola
Hugo Pinto and Duarte Drumond Braga (coordinators), A Abelha da China nos seus 200 Anos. Casos, Personagens e Confrontos na Experiência Liberal de Macau
Roderich Ptak
Hartmut Walravens (ed.), Stanislas Julien – Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz über China mit Schilling von Canstadt, Klaproth, Endlicher, Gabelentz, und A. von Humboldt
Li Xuetao
Wan Zhaoyuan, Science and the Confucian Religion of Kang Youwei (1858–1927): China before the Conflict Thesis
Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD