Transcultural Studies between East and West – Taiwanese Research Trip to Germany

I think it might interest you that the Taiwanese Research Council has just sent a research team to Germany (including Lee Ming-huei, Fabian Heubel, me, and a couple of other Taiwanese scholars) that will be involved in a series of workshops and discussions with German sinology and philosophy departments during this week and next week (see the schedule below). I think this is a rare opportunity to foster the intercultural dialogue between the fields of Chinese philosophy and German philosophy (notice that there will be one event at the very prestigious Institut fuer Sozialforschung in Frankfurt). If you are interested in any of these events, please contact me and I will send you more details. Of course you are all welcome to join us if you happen to be in one of these places in the coming days!

Transcultural Studies between East and West

Academic Delegation from the Philosophy Division, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science Council, Taiwan (Republic of China) 2011 Visit to Germany

1. Round-Table 1: Heidelberg Philosophy and the History of Knowledge in Transcultural Perspective

Time: July 4, 14:00-18:00 Venue: Karl Jaspers Center, Room 221

Philosophy and the History of Knowledge in Transcultural Perspective Roundtable Discussion oganized by the Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg and the Philosophy Division, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science Council, Taiwan (Republic of China)

2. Workshop 1: Hildesheim: Transkulturelle Philosophie und Ästhetik (Transcultural Philosophy and Aesthetics)

Time: July 5, 15:00-18:00 Venue: Library of the Institute of Philosophy

3. Round-Table 2: Hamburg Democracy and Chinese Culture: Philosophical Reflections on the Centenary of the Republic of China

Time: July 7, 16:00-18:30

Venue: Department of Chinese Language and Culture, Hamburg University, Hoersaal H im Hauptgebaeude (Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1)

4. Workshop 2: Bochum Transcultural Perspectives on Immanence and Transcendence

Time: July 8, 9:00-19:00

Venue: Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Tagungsraum 1 im Mensa-Gebäude)

5. Workshop 3: München Intercultural Philosophy 

Time: July, 11, 10:00-12:10

Venue: Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

10 -12.00 Uhr: Dialog zwischen MKE und ZfLNTU (Zentrum für Lebenserziehung an der National Taiwan University)

14-17.00 Uhr: Workshop Confucianism and Intercultural Philosophy

Venue: Sinologisches Institut,

6. Round-Table 4: Frankfurt am Main Critique, Normativity and Contemporary Confucianism: Transcultural Perspectives

Time: July 12, 19:00-22:00

Venue: Conference Room, Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Senckenberganlage 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

One thought on “Transcultural Studies between East and West – Taiwanese Research Trip to Germany

  1. Thanks for this, Kai; I hope the trip is a great success, and that you will share with us some reflections during it or afterwards. If any other blog readers are able to attend, please let us know what you think!

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