Warp, Weft, and Way Moves to New Server

Our blog has moved to a new home and has a new address: simply warpweftandway.com. The old site, warpweftandway.wordpress.com, will automatically redirect to the new one. We have moved to a commercial server instead of WordPress’s free server because we believe this will make the blog reliably available in China; WordPress is routinely blocked, but commerical servers such as the one we’ve chosen are not. We are still using WordPress software, so things should not change in dramatic ways; please let us know if you see anything odd or have any problems.

Our hope is that with this new infrastructure in place, we will be able to expand further our audience and contributors. Keep your eyes open for guest-posts from philosophers in China in the coming months.

And for folks in the US, happy Thanksgiving!

Steve, Manyul, and Chris

14 thoughts on “Warp, Weft, and Way Moves to New Server

  1. Hi all; we’re fine-tuning some things, including the ‘recent comments’ list. Can a few of you comment on this post so I can see how well the comment functions are working? Tell us what you think of the switch, anything weird you’ve noticed, etc.

  2. Applause for the move!

    I’ve received an email announcing and quoting from a new post by Sebastien Billioud, but I don’t see it here.

    • Yes, Bill. I got the same email — it is from wordpress.com, so there was a timing issue with Sebastien’s post. I think what happened is that Sebastien timed his posting just right — or wrong — so that his post did not transfer over from wordpress.com to the new server.

      By the way, every contributing author has to reset his/her password on the new server to be able to post. Steve Angle, I think, will be sending out an email about that to all the contributors.

  3. JUST A QUICK NOTE ABOUT EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE BLOG: According to my research, wordpress will migrate all of our previous email subscriptions to this site, but I’ll have to send in a request after the Thanksgiving weekend. Alternatively, you can sign up anew for a subscription to this site on the far righthand menu — the downside of that is you may have to go through the routine of unsubscribing to one of the subscriptions if the migration is successful and duplicates yours. So … I would advise waiting a few days to see if the migration of the old list is successful. I will update!

  4. I like the list of HTML tags under the comment box.

    Separate point: The links material on the right displays in one column only, unless I shrink the display font so far as not to be comfortably legible. Maybe that’s just my problem for not having a mod superwide screen. (What would readers in China have?) One implication yesterday was that the list of recent posts was very very far down.

    Today the list of recent posts seems to have disappeared entirely, no matter the font size.

    • Hi Bill; I just tried on an old square screen I have here — it comes up fine (two side columns). I tried on both Firefox and Safari. Maybe it’s your browser? (Also, get thee to a Best Buy — or somewhere — and get a widescreen monitor!)

    • Hi Bill and all: We’ve actually removed the “recent posts” list, as it seemed close to completely redundant, as the recent posts are just scrollable on the left; because we tend to use the “read more” tag, the posts themselves aren’t that long and so it’s pretty easy to see all the “recent posts” listed. Does that make sense, or did that list have a value that we’re missing?

    • I forget why I switched over from Firefox to IE a couple of years ago. My bad.

      And I agree that dropping the list is probably an improvement.

      Wide screens don’t tempt me, but I could really go for a tall one.

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