Ann A. Pang-White, Executive Director of the ISCP, writes:
On behalf of the ISCP executive committee and the conference organizing committee, I am writing to inform you that due to the unusual circumstances of COVID and to ensure the success of the Shanghai international conference, we have decided to postpone the conference from July 2021 to June 27-30, 2022. The postponement is based on careful consideration of several factors including availability & accessibility of vaccines, quarantine requirement once landed in Shanghai, and upon returning to the home country, etc. In the coming weeks, our host university, East China Normal University (Shanghai) together with our current president Prof. Guorong Yang, will provide us with information on the new extended deadlines for submissions and related matters (the university is currently on the Lunar New Year break). The conference organizers will also send out notifications to authors who have already submitted their abstracts to inquire whether they would like their submissions to be automatically considered for the conference in light of the new dates. The Fu Foundation Paper Contest will also continue with extended deadline. For papers already submitted, if the authors’ papers are not yet published by June 2022 and would like to remain in the pool of the contest, their papers will still be considered. New submissions will also be welcome. A belated best wish to all of you for a very peaceful, healthy, and prosperous New Year of the Ox! May we be victorious in overcoming the predicament caused by COVID.