Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy Volume 11, Number 3 / September 2012
Confucian and Liberal Perspectives on Family, State, and Civil Society
Guest Editors: Sungmoon KIM and Philip J. Ivanhoe
Guest Editors’ Words
Sungmoon Kim and Philip J. Ivanhoe
Xunzi on Moral Expertise
Justin Tiwald
Equality and Inequality in Confucianism
Chenyang Li
A Pluralist Reconstruction of Confucian Democracy
Sungmoon Kim
Confucian Ethics, Public Policy, and the Nurse-Family Partnership
Erin M. Cline
Confucianism and Liberal Democracy: Some Comments
Fred R. Dallmayr
Yu in the Xunzi: Can Desire by Itself Motivate Action?
Winnie Sung
Huang, Chun-chieh (Junjie) 黃俊杰, The Confucian Classics and Their Ideas in the Cultural Interaction in East Asia: Interaction, Transformation, and Syntheses 東亞文化交流中的儒家經典與理念:互動、轉化與融合
Taibei 台北: National Taiwan University Press 台大出版中心, 2010, viii+182 pages
Liangjian Liu
Huang, Yushun 黃玉順, Confucianism and Contemporary Life: Collected Essays on “Life Confucianism” 儒家思想與當代生活—“生活儒學” 論集
Shanghai 上海: Guangming Daily Press 光明日報出版社, 2009, 298 pages
Xin Chen
Jenco, Leigh K., Making the Political: Founding and Action in the Political Theory of Zhang Shizhao
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 282 pages
Loubna El Amine
Littlejohn, Ronnie, and Jeffrey Dippmann, ed., Riding the Wind With Liezi. New Perspectives on the Daoist Classic
Albany: SUNY Press, 2011, vii+264 pages
Hans-Georg Moeller
Van Norden, Bryan W. (tr.), Mengzi: With Selections from Traditional Commentaries
Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 2008, liv + 210 pages
Jung H. Lee
Yang, Zebo 楊澤波, Study on Mencius’ Theory of the Goodness of Human Nature 孟子性善論研究
Revised Edition. Beijing 北京, : Zhongguo Renmin Daxue Chubanshe 中國人民大學出版社, 2010, 316 pages
David Young