Here at the blog we do our best to keep the page dedicated to Graduate Programs in Chinese Philosophy up-to-date, including listing recent changes near the top of that page. Significant recent updates include noting Chris Fraser’s move to the University of Hong Kong, adding the University of Warwick (and Curie Virág), and noting Chenyang Li’s retirement from Nanyang Technological University. Please leave a comment or email me directly with any suggestions or updates!
Simon Fraser University has a fully-funded MA program that prepares students for PhD study. Two of our faculty members have research interests in Chinese philosophy and one other has teaching competence (but specializes in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy). Our graduate student body is mostly international.
I’m the current director of graduate studies – I’d be happy to answer other questions about our program!
Leiden University’s Institute for Philosophy has been offering both BA and MA in Global and Comparative philosophy. The BA program ( established in 2016 and the one-year MA program in 2020 (
The global and comparative group covers a wide range of fields: Douglas Berger (Chinese, Indian and comparative philosophy), Stephen Harris (Buddhist ethics, Indian and comparative philosophy), Ahab Bdaiwi (Arabic and Persian Philosophy) and myself (Chinese and comparative philosophy, Buddhist feminism). Currently, we are also supervising Ph.D. Students in the areas mentioned above. It would be highly appreciated if Leiden can be added to the list. Thx!
Sorry, I accidentally deleted my colleague Dobin Choi from my previous msg— sorry for typing on the phone. Dobin is our expert on Korean and comparative philosophy.