CFP: SACP Panels, APA Central Division, February 26-29, 2020,

Time: February 26-29, 2020, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Central Division Meeting. Submissions focusing on any area of Asian and/or Comparative philosophy will be considered. Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are encouraged.

REQUIRED (for each paper proposal):

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Name of Presenter
  3. Presenter’s Affiliation
  4. Presenter’s e-mail address
  5. Indicate whether you are willing to Chair your panel
  6. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract

REQUIRED (for each panel proposal):

  1. Title of Panel
  2. Chair of the Panel
  3. Title of each Paper
  4. Name of each Presenter
  5. Affiliation of each Presenter
  6. E-mail address of each Presenter
  7. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract for each Paper
  8. Name and Affiliation of Panel Chair

APA Central papers & proposals should be sent to: Dr. Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of Pennsylvania) at by September 21st, 2019.

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