The Confucian Traditions Unit invites you to attend the two sessions held by us at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (November 23-26, 2019 San Diego, CA). On Saturday 9:00 to 11:30 AM, we will hold a session entitled “Animals, Real and Imagined, in Chinese Religions: Late Antique and Medieval Periods.” And on Sunday 1:00 to 3:00 PM, we will have a session on “Dragons, Mosquitos, and the Hundred Animals: Changing Conceptions of Animals in Pre-Modern China,” followed by a business meeting. You can find the titles of papers and names of presenters here at the bottom of this invitation.
If you have not joined our listserv, we invite you to join our listserv. You can contact Professor Keith Knapp ( for more information.
Animals and Religion Unit and Confucian Traditions Unit
Aaron Stalnaker, Indiana University, Presiding
Theme: Animals, Real and Imagined, in Chinese Religions: In the Late Antique and Medieval Periods
Saturday – 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Xurong Kong, Kean University
Macaque: Your God, My Pet
Keith Knapp, The Citadel
People Are Special, Animals Are Not: An Early Medieval Confucian’s Views on the Difference between Humans and Beasts
Huaiyu Chen, Arizona State University
Daoist Engagement with Tigers in Medieval China
Robert Campany, Vanderbilt University
Animal Tales as Ecologies of Selves and of Human-Animal Relationships
Kendall Marchman, University of Georgia
A Little Bird Told Me: The Magical Birds of the Pure Land
Yukinobu Abe, Chuo University
Animal Symbols on the Knob of Seals during the Han Dynasty: Tiger, Turtle, Camel and Snake
Confucian Traditions Unit
Mark Halperin, University of California, Davis, Presiding
Theme: Dragons, Mosquitos, and the Hundred Animals: Changing Conceptions of Animals in Pre-Modern China
Sunday – 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Benjamin Daniels, University of California, Berkeley
Celestial Steeds and Agents of Chaos: Dragons in the Warring States and Han
Susie Wu
The Ethical and Political Importance of Mosquitoes in Classical Chinese Poetry
Geoffrey Redmond, independant
Animals in the Lives of Early Chinese: Evidence from the Zhouyi (I Ching)
Keith Knapp, The Citadel
Business Meeting:
Aaron Stalnaker, Indiana University
Pauline Lee, Saint Louis University