The ISCSD (International Society for the Critical Study of Divination) Book Talk series is pleased to announce its upcoming event scheduled on November 20, 2024, at 15:00 CEST. Prof. Tze-ki Hon 韓子奇 (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College) and two contributors to the volume, Prof. Chang Chia-Feng 張嘉鳳 (National Taiwan University) and Prof. Zhao Lu 趙璐 (NYU Shanghai) will present the book The Other Yijing: The Book of Changes in Chinese History, Politics, and Everyday Life, published by Brill in 2021 with our book series “Prognostication in History.” Prof. John T.P. Lai 黎子鵬 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong is joining the event as a discussant.
More information, including zoom link, here.