Category Archives: Call for Papers (CFP)

CFP: International Conference on Language, Culture, and Education

The Academy for Educational Development and Innovation at the Education University of Hong Kong is delighted to announce an upcoming conference in 8-9 April 2025,  dedicated to exploring how traditional Chinese wisdom informs and enhances contemporary efforts to construct the values toward human flourishing.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 November 2024
Notification of Abstract Review Results: 1 December 2024
Registration Opens: 2 December 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025
Registration Closes: 20 March 2025
Conference Dates: 8-9 April 2025

Please visit the EdUHK website or refer to this document to see more details regarding the conference and the application process. For further inquiries, please contact Miss Cindy Hung via phone,(+852) 2948 7799, or email,

CFP: ISCP at 2025 APA Central DIvision Meeting (Online)

The International Society for Chinese Philosophy invites submissions for the ISCP Group Panel at the 2025 APA-Central Division Meeting. The meeting will be entirely online. Sessions will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of two consecutive weeks: February 20–22 and February 27–March 1, 2025. Any submission relevant to Chinese philosophy is welcomed. Please send the following information along with your abstract in Word or PDF format to Jing Hu at by Oct. 1, 2024. Kindly title your email “2025 ISCP Central APA submission”.

1. Title of Paper
2. Name of Presenter
3. Presenter’s Affiliation and Contact Information
4. Paper Abstract (200-300 words, in attachment)

Please reach out to Jing Hu for for any inquiries.

CFP: 2nd Carolina Conference on Chinese Thought

The Carolina Conference on Chinese Thought (CCCT) invites scholars and graduate students to discuss their work on Chinese thought, drawing from any disciplinary perspective. Presentations focusing on research, pedagogy, and other engagements with Chinese thought are welcome. Works-in-progress are especially encouraged, with the CCCT being a collegial atmosphere for collaboration. All things otherwise equal, proposals from scholars and graduate students based in the Carolinas and the U.S. Southeast region will be given preference for selection. Please read on for details!

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CFP: ISCWP Groups Session(s) at 2025 APA Pacific Division Meeting

International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) cordially invites scholars to submit abstracts and panel proposals to be considered for inclusion in the ISCWP Group Session(s) at the upcoming APA Pacific Division Meeting, April 16-19, 2025, in San Francisco. Submissions of papers that foster constructive dialogue between Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy are welcomed.

Please read below for the guidelines regarding the application process.

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CFP: The 5th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP)

Scholars working on Chinese philosophy and philosophy in China are invited to submit proposals for individual papers or panels to Geir Sigurðsson (University of Iceland), Topics are not restricted to the conference theme.

Please find the introduction about the topics and theme of the conference here. Official languages of the conference are English and Chinese.

The deadline for submission is November 30, 2024. Notice of acceptance of proposals will be sent to your email address at latest by early January 2025, with instructions on how to register and submit the conference registration fee.

Please read more for the submission guidelines and details regarding

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CFP: Pacific ACPA Panel(s) at 2025 Pacific APA

The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America welcomes scholars to submit proposals for individual papers to be considered for inclusion in a ACPA group session at the 2024 APA Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco, April 16-20, 2025. The meeting is expected to be in person.

Submissions that engage with Chinese philosophy in a wide variety of ways are welcomed. There is not a specified theme for the group session prior to receiving proposals. In addition to the quality of submission, the selection of papers for presentation will be based on how well they can be worked into a good session.

Please read more for the submission guidelines:

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CFP: ISCP at the 2025 APA Pacific

The International Society for Chinese Philosophy invites submissions to be considered for inclusion in panels at the upcoming APA Pacific Division Meeting, April 16-19, 2025 in San Francisco. Submissions focusing on any area of Chinese philosophy will be considered. Both individual papers and completed panel proposals are welcomed.

Submission Deadline: September 4, 2024

Please read below for details regarding the submission process.

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Telos-Paul Piccone Institute’s China Initiative

The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute, which is affiliated with the journal Telos, has underway a multi-pronged China Initiative that is well worth blog readers’ attention. Through this initiative, the Institute seeks “to become a key bridge for a mutually regarding, critical discussion of social and political theory between China and the West, well beyond the circles of East Asia specialists. The Telos China Initiative will include a wide variety of programs to be developed over a five-year period beginning in 2024.”

Among other things, the initiative includes an upcoming conference on “China Keywords” that is currently calling for submissions, with a deadline of September 1; see here for more details.

The initative has also been sponsoring a series of podcast conversations about key terms like tianxiawangdao, and others. See here for more.

CFP: International Society of East Asian Philosophy (ISEAP)

The International Society of East Asian Philosophy (ISEAP) will have its fourth international conference on December 14-15, which will be held at the Fukuoka University, Japan.

Abstracts for individual papers and organized panels in English(preferably), Chinese and Korean are welcomed. Presented papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of The Journal of East Asian Philosophy (published by Springer, peer-reviewed, all in English).

The submission deadline is September 1, 2024 (Japan Time). Please check the ISEAP website for more details regarding the conference and submission details.

Call for Festschrift: Celebrating Chung-ying Cheng’s Contributions and Life (1935-2024)

Chung-ying Cheng, Ph.D. in Philosophy (Harvard University), Professor (since 1963) and Professor Emeritus (since June 1, 2024) of Department of Philosophy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA,  Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chinese Philosophy (in English language) (since 1973), Founding President of the International Society of Chinese Philosophy (since 1975), Founding President of the International Society of the Yijing《易經》(since 1979), Founding President of the International Society of Hermeneutics (since 1980), honoris causa of the International Institute for Hermeneutics Agora Hermeneutica (since 2021), had departed from his contributive journey on this world (and headed to another magnificent march as he always was a tireless soldier), at Kaiser Moanalua Hospital, Honolulu, on July 2, 2024, US Time.

To celebrate Professor Chung-ying Cheng’s life-time service and prolific achievements, the Journal of Chinese Philosophy calls for full articles to be peer-reviewed, under a tentative theme: Festschrift: Celebrating Chung-ying Cheng’s Contributions and Life (1935-2024).  All topics of leading scholarship in high quality American English are welcome and submissions are immediately available. For Guidelines, please contact Dr. Andrew Fuyarchuk.