The newest issue of Asian Philosophy has come out through Taylor and Francis Online. We invite you to check out the articles through this link. Please also find the table of contents below.
Perceptual transformation in Ibn ‘Arabī’s philosophy: The night journey (isrā’) and ascension (mi‘rāj) of Prophet Muḥammad
Ismail Lala
Google, ChatGPT, questions of omniscience and wisdom
Frank J. Hoffman & Klairung Iso
Beyond anthropocentrism: A Watsujian ecological ethic
Kyle Michael James Shuttleworth
A painting you can eat: A dialogue between Dōgen and postmodern thinkers on nature and ecology
Carl Olson
Beauty, nobility, and desire: Ideals of gentlemanliness and the male body in Confucius and Plato
Lucien Mathot Monson
Dharmakīrti’s theory of fault with particular reference to Vādanyāya
Wei Gan & Zhi-Xi Chen
Theorizing forgiveness from Nishida Kitarō’s account of love
Dennis Stromback