Daily Archives: November 9, 2014

CUHK Masters and PhD Programs in Chinese Philosophy

2015 Master and Ph.D Programs in Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has the biggest graduate program in philosophy in Hong Kong. Its faculty has the roughly equal strength in Chinese philosophy (5 faculty members), analytic philosophy (4 faculty members), and Continental Europe philosophy (5 faculty members). Please read on for more details!

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Two More Book Reviews

Xiaomei Yang’s review of Stephen C. Angle (Ph.D, 1994) and Michael Slote, eds., Virtue Ethics and Confucianism has appeared in the most recent issue of Ethics, Vol. 125,# 1, 2014.

Joseph’s Chan’s feature review of my book Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy: Toward Progressive Confucianism has just appeared in Philosophy East and West, Vol. 64,#3,2014, as well as two follow-ups:

  • Joseph Chan. “’Self-Restriction’ and the Confucian Case for Democracy.”
  • Stephen C. Angle. “Sages and Self-Restriction: A Response to Joseph Chan.”
  • Joseph Chan. “Reply to Stephen C. Angle.”