CFP: 5th Rutgers Workshop in Chinese Philosophy

The Rutgers Workshop in Chinese Philosophy (RWCP) is calling for proposals for its fifth biennial meeting. It will be held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, US, on Friday, April 17, 2020 (please note the year). RWCP is aimed at bringing together scholars in Chinese philosophy with philosophers in the Western analytic tradition for in-depth engagements on topics of mutual interest. All topics are welcome. Ideally, submitted proposals will directly address the works of a living Western analytic philosopher whom we will invite to be paired with the paper presenter as commentator.

The proposal should be one or two pages long, describing your paper and listing 1-3 Western analytic philosophers whom you would like to have as your commentator. Please submit your proposal to by October 31, 2018. The committee will review the proposals and notify the proposers soon after. A completed and previously unpublished paper from those accepted will be due by Feb. 1, 2020, at which point it will be shared with the chosen commentator. For accepted presenters, all expenses, including travel and lodging, will be covered by the workshop. Due to the nature of RWCP, proposals and presentations will be in English.

The 2020 workshop will follow the same format as our 2018 meeting. For more information on the 2018 workshop, please visit

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

RWCP co-directors:

Tao JIANG (Rutgers)

Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers)

Steve Angle (Wesleyan)

2 replies on “CFP: 5th Rutgers Workshop in Chinese Philosophy”

  1. Thanks for sharing. I’m sure this will be another great iteration of the Workshop.

    I’m a bit confused about the cfp though.

    Could we elaborate a bit more regarding the “ideal” pairing of someone working in Chinese philosophy and the Western analytic tradition(s)? Isn’t part of the connotation of ‘analytic’, as designating a style or method of doing philosophy, a decidedly ahistoricist stance—i.e. a stance not bound to culture in the way the term “Western” as applied to philosophy is usually meant to imply?

    I ask for conceptual clarification and with the intent of deciding whether or not a specific idea I have for submission might fit with the organizer’s vision.

  2. Hi Joe, Thanks for asking! In addition to just trying to facilitate good philosophical discussions, the RWCP series has a further purpose, namely engaging the philosophy faculty at Rutgers in conversations related to Chinese philosophy. So our reference to “the Western analytic tradition” is meant to reference the kind of philosophy done at Rutgers. Does that help clarify things?

    Let me also say that I’d be happy to consult with you (or anyone else) via email about thoughts you may have for submissions, if that might be helpful.

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