CFP: Teaching Intercultural Philosophy, Cordoba (June 2025)

In the current climate of increasing provincialism and geopolitical division, the need to decenter and deprovincialize philosophical education is vital. Engaging with multiple traditions can illuminate new pathways of thought and reveal overlooked perspectives. Expanding the traditions valued for study is central to the vocation of intercultural, comparative, and global philosophy, while remaining committed to intellectual honesty, universally shared values as well as the pursuit of truth and practical wisdom.
The task of integrating philosophical reflections on diverse ideas that have emerged in, among other regions, Africa, China, India, Japan and Latin America, together with the Western tradition in secondary and tertiary education, is largely left to individual initiatives and instructors. This conference aims to assess the progress made in integrating these approaches within philosophical education. The teaching Intercultural Philosophy Universidad Loyola invites participants to explore different methods, synergies, and common challenges in teaching intercultural philosophy.

Please read more to find details on the conference and the application process.

Conference language: English.

Abstracts should be sent to Zaida Espinosa ( and Mario Wenning (

February 28th, 2025: submission deadline.
March 15th, 2025: notification of acceptance will be communicated.
June 16th-17th, 2025: the conference be held at Universidad Loyola campus in Cordoba.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Eric Nelson (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (RWT Aachen).

Please visit the workshop’s website for further information on the conference.

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