Category Archives: Conference

CFP: Teaching Intercultural Philosophy, Cordoba (June 2025)

In the current climate of increasing provincialism and geopolitical division, the need to decenter and deprovincialize philosophical education is vital. Engaging with multiple traditions can illuminate new pathways of thought and reveal overlooked perspectives. Expanding the traditions valued for study is central to the vocation of intercultural, comparative, and global philosophy, while remaining committed to intellectual honesty, universally shared values as well as the pursuit of truth and practical wisdom.
The task of integrating philosophical reflections on diverse ideas that have emerged in, among other regions, Africa, China, India, Japan and Latin America, together with the Western tradition in secondary and tertiary education, is largely left to individual initiatives and instructors. This conference aims to assess the progress made in integrating these approaches within philosophical education. The teaching Intercultural Philosophy Universidad Loyola invites participants to explore different methods, synergies, and common challenges in teaching intercultural philosophy.

Please read more to find details on the conference and the application process. Continue reading →

CFP: II Congreso Internacional de la Red Iberoamericana de Filosofía China (RIFCH)

Tras el congreso inaugural en Málaga, España, en 2023, la II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL(RIFCH) celebrará su segundo congreso internacional en San José, Costa Rica, los días 28 y 29 de agosto de 2025. Si están interesados en asistir, intercambiar ideas con otros investigadores hispano-lusoparlantes de filosofía china y formar parte de la red, consulten aquí la convocatoria y la información de inscripción:

Conference: The Waves that Follow (New Books in Chinese Philosophy)

Tsinghua University will hold a hybrid conference titled “The Waves that Follow: New Books in Chinese Philosophy” from December 7 to 9, 2024. The conference invites young scholars worldwide who have published new books in the field of Chinese philosophy within the past one to two years to share fresh perspectives, new methods, and innovative research directions from their works, aiming to foster exchange and development. Additionally, senior scholars who have devoted many years to Chinese philosophy will engage in in-depth discussions on the research presented by this new generation.

Time: 8 December, 2024/ Beijing time (UTC +08:00), 8:00 – 18:30

Venue: Room 124, Humanity school, Tsinghua University
Zoom Meeting ID: 938 634 5943

Find the information on speakers and event arrangements in this pdf.

Call for discussants: APA webinar on comparative philosophy

The APA offers an on-demand webinar series featuring engaging discussions on topics of interest to philosophers. Each webinar typically lasts one hour and brings together three to four philosophers to explore a specific theme from diverse perspectives. The APA strives to include a wide range of topics and viewpoints.

Eirik Harris and Henrique Schneider plan to host a webinar in May 2025, focusing on the contemporary state of comparative philosophy and emphasizing Chinese philosophy. The APA is seeking 2–3 philosophers to join this discussion.

If you are interested in participating, please email by January 25, 2025. Include three topics you would like to discuss in the webinar.

CFP: Envisioning Futures: Decolonial and World Philosophical Approaches

The Department of Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is pleased to announce the international conference Envisioning Futures: Decolonial and World Philosophical Approaches, scheduled for November 21-22, 2025. The university will provide accommodation for all participants for three days. The conference organisers are negotiating the possibility of publishing a selection of the accepted papers in a high-profile philosophy journal.
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ISEAP 2024 Conference

The International Society of East Asian Philosophy (ISEAP) will have its fourth international conference on December 14-15, which will be held at the Fukuoka University, Japan. This conference will be open to online audiences. To learn more about the conference, visit this page.

Advance registration for zoom attendance is required. Please register through this form.

CFP: ECNU 2025 International Graduate Conference of Philosophy, Roots and Branches

This International Graduate Conference of Philosophy intends to gather brilliant graduate students and early career scholars to discuss different aspects of philosophical innovations and traditions. The organizing committee, drawn from the long-standing international Graduate Program in Chinese Philosophy at ECNU, is committed to collect voices from various philosophical backgrounds focused on Chinese Philosophy and comparative philosophy, as well as excellent research in other areas.

The guiding theme of the conference this year is benmo 本末 , or “roots and branches”. Rootedness, grounding, the archeology of thought and hermeneutics shape thinking in ways often difficult to detect. Branches, reinterpretations and applications of philosophical wisdom, which are frequently the more obvious aspects of philosophical reflections, stem from roots.
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CFP: The 28th annual meeting of the Southeast Early China Roundtable

The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Southeast Early China Roundtable will be held and sponsored by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill from Friday October 25 to Sunday, October 27. The room and board of participants will be entirely covered by the sponsoring institution. If interested to participate, please contact Uffe Bergeton ( an abstract of your paper by September 15.

CFP: 2024 Meeting of the Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought

We are pleased to announce that the 2024 meeting of the Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought (NECCT) will be held on November 2-3 at Baruch College, City University of New York. This annual meeting is an opportunity for scholars of Chinese thought (broadly construed) from across the northeast US (also somewhat broadly construed) to gather and share their research. As we are interested in generating interdisciplinary discussions, we welcome work of any disciplinary/methodological orientation that bears on Chinese thought. 

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Deadline extended for the 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

The 56th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, “Philosophical Encounters,” will be held at Charles University Prague on September 16-18, 2024. Individual and panel proposals on any topic consistent with the SACP mission of advancing intercultural philosophy are welcomed by the conference board. The SACP board especially welcomes paper and panel submissions that reflect diverse Asian and comparative approaches to traditional philosophical concerns, as well as critical engagement with contemporary issues of global concern.

Submissions: Paper and panel proposals can be submitted via this link by June 15, 2024.

The keynote speaker: Jeffrey Riegel, “Two Encounters with Mencius 2A2”

Please read more below for details regarding details of the submission of paper and panel proposals as well as the Graduate Student Essay Contest Awards. Continue reading →