Category Archives: Job Opening

New Job Listing: Duke-DKU Global Fellows Program

Applications accepted on a rolling basis up to December 15, 2021, by 5pm (EST). Review of applications will begin on November 1st.

The Duke-DKU Global Fellows Program is designed to offer an international experience to post-doctoral scholars or advanced doctoral students whose records demonstrate excellence in teaching and an interest in pursuing an academic career. Duke-DKU Global Fellows teach at Duke Kunshan University (DKU) for the Undergraduate Program.

Most courses at DKU are taught in 7-week terms; a few courses are taught over a semester. Contact hours for all classes are the same; in particular, the number of contact hours for a 7-week course is the same as a 14-week course. Courses might include sections of common courses, distinct elective courses, lab sections or recitations. Assignment of classes will be determined by Fellow specific expertise and by DKU teaching needs.

The Fellowship is contingent upon successful receipt of the appropriate type of Chinese visa. Fellows may teach for a 7-week term up to a full academic year based on DKU teaching needs and the Fellow’s availability and his/her related education and experience required for immigration purposes.

The award carries a $13,000 stipend ($17,000 for fellows who have completed their PhD) for two courses, a $1,500 allowance for costs related to research or course preparation, travel costs to/from China, health insurance, and a housing allowance.

Post-doctoral fellows or advanced doctoral students from all disciplines are invited to apply. 

To see the full listing click here.

For more info see below.

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JOB: Tenured/Tenure-track Position in Chinese Religions, NYU Shanghai

NYU Shanghai is currently inviting applications for an open-rank position in Chinese religions. We seek candidates who have completed a Ph.D. in Chinese religions, East Asian Studies, or a closely related discipline. We invite applications from candidates working on any of the Chinese religious traditions (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, or popular religious practices in China), with the ability to teach their connections to other parts of Asia.

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Job Opening: Ethics with interest in comparative perspectives at Sophia University

The Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University, invites applications for an open-rank position in philosophy with a specialization in Ethics (Assistant Professor is a five-year tenure-track appointment, while appointments of Associate Professor and Professor are tenured).

We seek candidates who are qualified to teach courses in western philosophical and intellectual traditions, and welcome applicants working from a comparative or multi-cultural perspective. Our faculty is committed to promoting gender balance and we have a strong preference to hire a female candidate.

For more information, please visit:

China Studies Post-doctoral Fellowship, Ashoka University

The China Studies Post-doctoral Fellowship (CSPF), offered jointly by Ashoka University (India) and the Harvard-Yenching Institute (US), is an opportunity for recent PhDs in China Studies to conduct a two-year study on China under the guidance of established scholars and simultaneously teach courses on China at top Indian universities.

The fully-funded fellowship is open to scholars who have either completed their PhD anytime after 2012 or will complete their PhD by Spring 2022 Semester, with their research specifically focussed on China (utilizing Chinese language sources) across various disciplines of humanities and social science. These include, but are not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, international relations, language and literature, legal history, philosophy, political science, religion and sociology. The fellowship is also open to scholars of China Studies who are teaching at Indian universities and wish to pursue novel research on China while continuing their teaching engagement at their current university. Applicants should have a working knowledge of Mandarin, sufficient for academic research.

For more information, please visit

Job Opening, American University

Professorial Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Religion, College of Arts and Sciences, American University

The Department of Philosophy and Religion in the College of Arts and Sciences at American University invites applications for a full-time, academic year appointment in Asian and comparative ethics and moral philosophy at the rank of Professorial Lecturer beginning August 30, 2021. Teaching duties include introductory courses in moral philosophy as well as a graduate seminar on global ethics. We particularly welcome candidates with expertise in Asian and comparative philosophy.

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Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at Moravian College

The Modern Languages and Literatures Department at Moravian College invites applications for an ASIANetwork – Luce Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow. This two-year position will begin in August 2021; a Ph.D. is required by this date. This is a half-time teaching and half-time research position. The teaching load is 2/2 with the expectation that introductory and advanced courses will be offered. The successful applicant will be encouraged to teach comparatively about Asia. The field of specialization is open, but priority will be given to candidates who can teach courses on film or other visual cultures. We also will prioritize candidates with a proven record of motivating undergraduates to pursue further study of Asia. Candidates who can further Moravian’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are especially encouraged to apply.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Asian Studies, Asian American Studies, or have a disciplinary degree with research focused on Asia. Candidates should have demonstrated teaching effectiveness.

Deep respect for others is fundamental to the Moravian College community. Moravian College does not discriminate against any person based on actual or perceived race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, genetic information, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, marital status, age, veteran status, disability, use of guide or support animals and/or mechanical aids, or any other basis protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws. In compliance with the requirements of Title IX, Moravian College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational program and activity, including employment.

Philosophers working on aesthetics in Asian contexts are encouraged to apply. International candidates are welcomed to apply. Please note that currently, Moravian College (unfortunately) does not sponsor work visas for international employees for 1-2 year positions such as this Postdoc. HR forces the College to list all jobs with “physical demands” that have bus drivers or security officers in mind, not a teaching postdoc position such as this. Pursuant to the ADA, Moravian College will provide reasonable accommodation(s) (see more in the ad).
More details here:

Opportunity: 2 Courses at Wesleyan next academic year

During Academic Year 2021-22, the Wesleyan philosophy department would like to fill two “per-course” (i.e., single course) teaching slots in Asian philosophy. This most likely will be one course in the fall of 2021 and one course in the spring of 2022, though we have some flexibility. We probably want to offer “Classical Chinese philosophy” in the fall and are wide open in the spring, but this  too could be negotiated.
Anyone who is interested should send me a cover letter describing what you would like to teach and something about your teaching experience, as well as a CV.
There is no hard deadline, but anyone who contacts me by February 15 is assured full consideration.
Wesleyan is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or other legally protected status. We welcome applications from women and historically underrepresented minority groups. Inquiries regarding Title IX, Section 504, or any other non-discrimination policies should be directed to: Alison Williams, VP for Equity & Inclusion, Title IX and ADA/504 Coordinator, 860-685-4771,

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Schwarzman College

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University

Schwarzman Scholars Teaching Fellows work as part of the Academics team and play a vital role in helping the Schwarzman Scholars program in fulfilling its mission by ensuring academic success of courses and students. Teaching Fellows will fulfill the following three main academic roles: teaching support, academic support, and student advising.

Closing date: 1/31/2021



Job Opening at NTU: Pre-Qin Confucianism

Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

The Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor. Teaching appointment is effective from August 1, 2021.

Qualification: Ph.D. in Philosophy or related fields


  1. Pre-Qin Confucianism
  2. Logic

Other Requirements: In principle, applicants should be competent in teaching in Mandarin and prepared to offer mandatory courses (teaching experience is preferable).

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Open-rank job in Chinese philosophy at HKU

Applications are invited for appointment as Tenure-Track Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Chinese Philosophy in the School of Humanities (Philosophy) at the University of Hong Kong (Ref.: 502112), to commence on July 1, 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a three-year fixed-term basis, with the possibility of renewal and with consideration for tenure before the expiry of a second three-year fixed-term contract. Exceptionally outstanding candidates at the Professor/Associate Professor level may be considered for appointment on tenure terms. More information is here.