Category Archives: Taiwan

Upcoming Academia Sinica Lectures

Two upcoming lectures at Taiwan’s Academia Sinica may be of interest to folks in the area:

Thursday, Oct 29, 10:00 a.m., 安靖如 (Stephen C. Angle), “將宋明理學當作哲學來教 (Teaching Neo-Confucianism as Philosophy),” 中國文哲研究所二樓會議室

Friday, Oct 30, 2:30 p.m., 許紀霖, “新天下主義與東亞的普遍性,” 中研院人社中心一樓中庭會議室 (Register here:

First lecture in new Taiwan series

For those in Taiwan, this lecture on the future of cross-straits relations from a Confucian perspective may be of interest; it is announced as the first in a new series of lectures of Confucian perspectives on contemporary civil society issues):

講 題:兩岸關係應如何走
時 間:民國一0四年五月七日(週四)晚上七點至九點
地 點:臺灣師大誠正勤樸大樓的九樓政治學研究所多